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Tag: Zirconia

What are the Ceramic Materials used in Aviation?

What are the Ceramic Materials used in Aviation?

In recent years, aero-engine companies all over the world are seeking new ways to improve the performance of military and

Zirconium Tungstate

A New Generation of Structural Ceramics: Zirconium Tungstate

In the past few years, structural ceramics have maintained a strong and sustained growth, which is not only due to

High-tech Precision Ceramics

How did High-tech Precision Ceramics come into being?

High-tech precision ceramics mainly refer to high-temperature hard ceramics, the hardness and high-temperature resistance of which are greatly enhanced due

zirconia ceramic

What Can We Expect to Acquire from Zirconia in the Future?

The content of zirconium in the earth’s crust is 0.025%, which is more than copper, zinc, and lead that are

ceramic knife

What is a Ceramic Knife?

The ceramic knife appeared to be popular with consumers since ordinary kitchen knives and general metal tools are not enough

Dental Implant Teeth Ceramic

The Application of Zirconia Ceramics in Oral Medicine Field

Zirconia ceramics now is popular in the field of dental had tissue repaired because of its dense texture, abrasion resistance,

Melting crucible

How Can Graphite Crucible Be Used in Chemical Analysis

Crucibles are used in the laboratory to contain chemical compounds when heated to extremely high temperatures. Crucibles are available in

iphone materials

Why Does IPhone Use Zirconia Ceramics?

Some people think that if Apple iPhone uses the zirconium oxide ceramic material, then the equipment production costs increase, the final

zirconia teeth

Acid-resistant Ceramic-Zirconia

Zirconia is widely used in dentistry. It has been reported that the clinical success of resin bonding procedures for cementing

zirconium oxide

Zirconium Oxide for Medical Purposes

ZrO2 stabilized with Y2O3 has better mechanical properties than other combinations; although its sintering is much more difficult, this is