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BN1662 Boron Nitride Crucible, BN Crucible

Boron Nitride Crucible Properties

Boron Nitride Crucible

Catalog No. BN1662
Compound Formula BN
Appearance White
Melting Point 2973 °C
Density 2.1 g/cm3 (h-BN); 3.45 g/cm3 (c-BN)
Purity 99%
Refractive Index 1.8 (h-BN); 2.1 (c-BN)
Electrical Resistivity 13 to 15 10x Ω-m


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Boron Nitride Crucible Description

The boron nitride crucible is usually composed of boron nitride, or BN, which is a chemical compound with equal numbers of boron and nitrogen atoms. The hexagonal boron nitride (HBN) corresponding to graphite is the softest and most stable form among BN polymorphs, and is therefore used as lubricant and an additive to cosmetic products. The cubic (CBN) variety analogous to diamond has high hardness which is inferior only to diamond. The rare wurtzite BN (WBN) modification is similar to lonsdaleite, and it may even be harder than CBN.

Boron Nitride Crucible Shapes

crucible shapes-ACM

A: Top Diameter, B: Height, C: Bottom Diameter

Boron Nitride Crucible Available Materials

Material Description Availability
BN99 Hot pressed at high temperature (1900℃).
Excellent corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity. Limited wear resistance
Self-bonded and high purity(>99%)
Machinable Blanks
Finished Parts
BNBO General purpose material
Bonded by boric oxide
Finished Parts
BNCB Calcium borate bonded boron nitride
Enhanced moisture resistance
Finished Parts
BN60 BN 60%, SiO2 40% Finished Parts
BN40 BN 40%, SiO2 60% Finished Parts
ZSBN BN-45%, Zr2O3 45% Finished Parts

Specifications of BN99 and ZSBN for your reference!

Boron Nitride Crucible Advantages

– Low wetability to molten metal
– Relatively high thermal conductivity with low thermal expansion
– Relatively high thermal shock resistance
– Extremely high working temperature with proper inert gas protection (>3000C has been recorded).

Boron Nitride Crucible Applications

The high quality Boron Nitride ceramic from China Special Ceramic Parts, Inc. (CSCPI) can withstand high temperature in the high vacuum environment, plus it has excellent corrosion resistance and electrical resistance. Thus, Boron Nitride ceramic product is an ideal choice in a wide range of industries, such as:
– Crucibles for crystal growth
– Break rings for horizontal casting machine
– Insulators for high temperature furnace
– Electric insulators in vacuum system
– Feed through for high voltage equipment

Packing Service

ACM’s Boron Nitride Crucible is carefully handled to minimize damage during storage and transportation and to preserve the quality of our products in their original condition.


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Boron Nitride (BN) Crucible
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by BenjaminLocklair on Boron Nitride (BN) Crucible
A Satisfying Try from ACM

I highly recommend ACM's bn products especially because they offer the boron nitride ceramics of good quality. Will buy again.